Author Archives: coffin

Costa Concordia Is ‘Crushing’ Under Own Weight

Costa Concordia Is ‘Crushing’ Under Own Weight
Maritime Executive – 7/15/13
Salvage officials confirmed that the Concordia has compressed about 10 feet since it capsized in January 2012. Experts will have one chance to pull the ship upright and float it away to the mainland for demolition. The attempt will probably take place in mid-September. If it fails, there won’t be a second chance.
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Coast Guard deploys ‘Strike Team’ to help with sunken vessel’s removal

Coast Guard deploys ‘Strike Team’ to help with sunken vessel’s removal
Alaska Dispatch – 7/13/13
The U.S. Coast Guard’s Pacific Strike Team, a cadre of specially-equipped guardsmen deployed to hazardous situations nationwide, are headed to southwest Alaska’s Igushik River to help remove the sunken vessel Lone Star, which caused the closure of a commercial fishery.
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Another Update

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